Thursday, September 23, 2010

Avon Walk For Breast Cancer (please, if you read nothing else, read this)

The following isn't a random forward I got and it isn't a scam.  It was written by my mother, who has been working very hard towards her goals.  I'm extremely proud of her and wish with all my might for her to succeed.  Even if it's just $5, every penny counts.  If you're unable to donate at this time, please share this with someone you think or know can.  Even if you don't think they would, send it to them anyway; the worst they can say is "no."

"It's official - As of today I have 30 days until I walk 39.3 miles to raise money (and awareness) for breast cancer treatment and research.

I have 30 days to raise $820.  So far this is more money than I have ever raised in my whole life and I’m so grateful to everyone who has helped.  By donating, forwarding my e-mails, telling others, you are the ones who keep me motivated.  You are the ones who will help me reach the end of the walk!  Thank you!

Those of you who understand the rush of personal fitness (not that I’m in any way fit, but I hope to be)  will understand that I also have personal goal in all this:

39.3 miles in 2 days.  It’s broken down into 26.2 miles on Saturday (a full-marathon) and 13.1 miles on Sunday (a half-marathon).  In May – with the help of my most AWESOME sister-in-law, Amanda - I was able to complete a half marathon in 4 hours (with only about one month of training).  This means, if I can keep up the pace, I CAN DO THIS!  I am SO excited about the possibility of finishing this!!!

But if I don’t raise the money - $1,800 total – I don’t walk.

I also have a more personal stake in this.  In 2006, at 35,  I went for a mammogram just to be on the safe side because I take hormone replacements.  I didn’t suspect anything, I just wanted to be sure.

After the mammogram, I was asked to wait in the waiting room, as is normal, so they could look at the film.  I knew this was just a formality in-case something went wrong with the imaging and they needed to perform another one. 

I was asked not to change back into my clothes, but to come back in for another one.  There was a spot they couldn’t identify and wanted to see if it was just the film.  I was a little nervous, but having worked with and seen mammograms performed, I knew this could, indeed, be just a spot on the film.

Following the second one, I returned to the waiting room.  They asked me to gather my clothes and follow a woman to radiology.  I knew this was not “standard procedure”.

I was REALLY scared.  Once there I had an ultrasound.  After the ultrasound I was told there was an unidentified mass.  I was sent home with a scheduled biopsy in two days. 

To say I was freaked out would be an understatement.  Two days later I had a biopsy with ultrasound and for the next two weeks I was sick at my stomach waiting for the results.  Fortunately, gratefully, blessedly they were negative.

I never have, and don’t ever want to, imagine what it would have been like to be told anything other than “The findings were negative”.

Not everyone is as fortunate as I am.  This walk is for those whose findings were not “Negative”.  The money I raise in this particular walk is not only for research but treatment for those who otherwise couldn’t afford it.  From a simple ride to a test or treatment, to the treatment itself and everything in-between. 

Not everyone is as fortunate as I am.  I have insurance.  Yes, it’s expensive but I have it.  If I needed the treatment, I could get it.  With the insurance I could afford it.  Not everyone is as lucky as I am.

The walk is for me, the money is for them.  Please help us both.

Go to my page: and click on the pink “Donate Now” button.  It’s easy and tax deductable.

Thank you for your time and
Thank you for your care"

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